Leading from Your Strengths Certified
Leading from Your Strength Certified
"To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under Heaven." --Ecclesiastes 3:1 (KJV)

Contact Me

Thank you for stopping by my site. You might have some questions about mentor coaching. Is it different from counseling? YES! It absolutely is different. Ask me why.

I’m often asked, “Does everyone need a coach?” The answer is “No. However, everyone is better with a coach.

All coaches are a bit different in their approach. My mentor coaching centers around the Ministry Insights Biblically-based Leading From Your Strengths assessment. (Many are discovering, embracing, and living out their God-given strengths. Many are surprised that their uniqueness is actually by God’s deliberate design..That could be you, too.) You might want to check out the 3 books I have published on Amazon about the Leading From Your Strengths process.

Learn more about what I do, why I do it, and what results you can hope for. Contact me using the form below, just check the box to request the free 30 minute phone call. Get your questions answered. Ask me anything. No obligation. No pressure. It will be like having a cup of coffee with a friend. Can’t wait to “meet you” soon!

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