I work with anyone who wants more out of life. I help people
identify their strengths--using the Leading From Your Strengths assessment tools. Moving forward...pursuing long-held
dreams comes next.
Everyone needs at least one person to believe in them. I can be that person for you.
As your coach, together we will explore your options for a more satisfied and empowered life. You will learn to overcome obstacles and trust your own best judgment.
Coaching is about finding new solutions, reclaiming joyfulness, and leaving mediocrity behind.
I can help you with that! Take a few minutes and watch this video of MY coach answering that question: What is life coaching?
I'd love to walk this next part of your journey of discovery with you. Contact me here and let's get started with that FREE inquiry call!
Individual Coaching With Personality Types
The uniqueness of the Leading From Your Strengths (LFYS) assessment, designed by Rodney Cox and John Trent (Ministry Insights) is clear.
There are three definitive goals for LFYS assessments:
- Understand how you are wired from the inside (how God made you)
- Value the strength of others
- Blend the differences among the team/family members and harness each person's unique strength
One HUGE difference about this assessment vs. others you may have taken is: Many of the others have a secular message and it's focused on you, the individual. But the Leading From Your Strengths assessment is different, with its Biblical message, and with the goal of working well together, by having an other-centered and a team focus.
The valuable information is gleaned from a 15 minute multiple choice assessment you take online. We then schedule a phone consultation, to evaluate how to incorporate the information into your personal, family, work, and spiritual daily life. You'll learn it's not your strength, but His strength. For the Body of Christ. For the Master's use. Right where you are.
Find out more about why I love the Leading from Your Strengths assessment.